Journalling and work

1) Did some good journalling. I really thought my “+1” piece was quite well written – to me it conveys most of what I was trying to say, without dissolving into a puddle of digressions, context-less rants, and other such gunk that all-too-typically pervades my more emotional writing. Really, it’s why I started writing this… Read more

References and examinations

1) Emailed two of my past employers to ask if I could use them as references on my paperwork to Apple. I could have been sneaky, as I’ve been in past, and just listed them without notifying them, but of course that can be awkward if they actually are contacted. Plus, it’s generally seen as… Read more


Today was a hodgepodge, without any clear highlights. Which is ironic, given I felt I got quite a bit done today. I got my ARC assignment handed in, all nicely bound in it’s 60 pages or so, as well as the INS assignment et al. I confirmed that my uni is going to be annoying… Read more

Creative ways to waste money

1) Went and got all the extra electronic parts I need to actually extend my speakers (first try resulted in the right RCA sockets and plugs, but a poor choice in wiring, and complete oversight of the fact that the stereo connection from the computer to the sub also had to be extended), as well… Read more