San Francisco Trip

It’s taken me a while to sort through all the photos and whatnot, but finally, it’s done – here they are. Last Saturday I finally got up to San Francisco for [most of] the day. I had to go to the airport anyway to change my return flight, so that worked well enough into my… Read more

Return date

So, slight change of plans, I’m now flying out on the 25th instead of the 20th. As it turns out, in order to avoid some completely B.S. double-taxing by the Australian Tax Office, I have to stay here and work until (and including) the 24th. Absolutely insane. I’m not really complaining that much, but it… Read more

Santa Cruz Update

Ashley finally shared some of his photos, which I quickly snarfed and have added to my collection. There’s a lot of duplicates of what I also photographed, but then again quite a few new ones. I’m particularly happy that he got a photo of the old railroad bridge – I was a bit slow on… Read more

Santa Cruz

Okay, so a week ago Simon Goldrei invited the three of us down to Santa Cruz for the day, to check it out. He moved here (permanently) about a month or so before I arrived, and has a nice shiny car (in the photos). Thus, given Santa Cruz is some 50km or so away from… Read more

Lake Tahoe Ski Trip

Finally I’ve got all my photos sorted and posted… you can find the ski trip ones here. So, our trip. It was organised by Julius, an intern at Apple who’s here for four more months of his twelve. He sent a message out on the intern mailing list asking for takers for skiing, and I… Read more

Sunny California

Welcome to Sunny California! Yep, raining. Again. It does that a lot here. It is very like Melbourne. What a shame. ;) Although, since this little bit of Cupertino is all the big hotels and so forth, there’s some pretty nice scenery around here. For example, we have our Christmas tree already set up… And… Read more